Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Men's Retreat 2009

Another Men's Camp, and yet it was like no other! 80 men gathered in a distant corner of Ireland to hear from God about a man who led the entire nation of Israel into the Promised Land! The man's name was Joshua, and for 56 years of his life, he was a slave, the son of a slave, serving Pharaoh, with no hope but God's promise of a deliverer that would one day come. That deliverer was Moses! And deliver he did! But it quickly turned out to be a big disappointment, not because of the inability of God, but on the lack of obedient faith in His people! Israel was locked in a 38 year wandering in the wilderness simply because they could not see beyond the giants and the difficulties of following the Lord's direction for their lives! That cost them almost 40 years, and an entire generation of people before they would be allowed to enter their place of "rest."
During those 40 years in the wilderness, God prepared another leader - Joshua - who would lead the nation into Canaan. Moses made a fatal mistake in keeping his anger, and it cost him the perfect will of God for his life. Moses, with all his abilities, was not going to be allowed to lead Israel triumphantly into the Promised Land, it would have to be Joshua! What a great typology in Scripture of how the Law can not bring a person to heaven - it only brings wrath - but that JESUS (the New Testament name for Joshua) is the only one that can lead us HOME!
We looked at how God prepared Joshua to become a great leader of God's people, so that all of our men in all our Bible believing Churches would seek to be JOSHUA'S and take the lead as God moves them into positions of Christian leadership! We wait for "Moses'" to rise up, but they are few, and far between! We need Joshua's all over Ireland! And this weekend, we found a load of them!
May the Lord greatly use us all as we seek to simply follow and obey His every word!
See the notes and photos of the entire 48 hour event at
May the Lord Jesus lead you and your family to conquer all the obstacles between you and His perfect will!
Pastor Craig Ledbetter