Seventeen years ago this June, an ideal was born. It started in a large shed in Blarney, County Cork, Ireland with just a few people, and a big vision. The ideal was a Bible believing Baptist Church. The vision was of multitudes of sinners getting born again, and gladly following the Lord Jesus Christ! Both those dreams have come true in the Bible Baptist Church of Cork, Ireland! We started in Blarney, and moved ten years later to Ballincollig, but my heart, and the ideal, and my vision remains the same! I am so glad to just be able to serve my Lord, and do my best for His honour! I wish more people knew just what this Church means first to God, and then to their families and this city! The Bible Baptist Church is not a religious group, but a family! My prayer as we approach our 17th anniversary of gathering together to worship and follow the Lord Jesus Christ, is that we take a good look at what God has given us in our Church, and never take anyone or anything for granted! What a priceless gift another Bible believing Christian is! May a thousand more Irish souls decide this year to follow the Lord Jesus, and make Him the Lord of their lives! And may we as a church have a part in directing those men, women and children to trust Him, and obey His word by faith! We are debtors to our generation to open their eyes to the wonderful works of God, and to the words of eternal life as found in the Bible! I am so thankful to not have to serve God alone, but alongside faithful families who just love God! More about the upcoming 17th anniversary celebratiuons to come!